
2023-02-24 | ChordPro parser

(Turn your phone sideways if you are on mobile)

My brother asked me about a script that would convert chorded songs to the ChordPro(https://www.chordpro.org/) format. This seems to work.

Standalone Elixir script (save it to a file and run it as `elixir file_name.exs`)


defmodule ChordProTest do
  use ExUnit.Case

  defmodule ChordProParser do
    @moduledoc """
    Parses text from the normal chord format to the ChordPro format.

    It takes an input like this:

          Bm                 G
    Some things in life are bad
              C               Am
    They can really make you mad
          Dm                   G         C
    Other things just make you swear and curse
                  Dm                G
    When you are chewing on life's gristle
          C              Am
    Don't grumble give a whistle
        D7                                        G7
    And this'll will make things turn out for the best

    And converts it to:

    Some [Bm]things in life are [G]bad
    They can [C]really make you [Am]mad
    Other [Dm]things just make you [G]swear and [C]curse
    When you are [Dm]chewing on life's [G]gristle
    Don't [C]grumble give a [Am]whistle
    And [D7]this'll will make things turn out for the [G7]best

    More info here: https://www.chordpro.org/

    require Logger

    @doc """
    Entrypoint to the parser.
    def call(input) when is_binary(input) do
      |> String.split("\n", trim: true)
      |> Enum.chunk_every(2)
      |> Enum.map(fn [chords, lyrics] ->
        clumped_chords = clump_words(chords)

        |> String.split("", trim: true)
        |> Enum.with_index()
        |> Enum.reduce(" ", fn {char, index}, acc ->
          result = Map.get(clumped_chords, "#{index}")

          if result do
            acc <> "[#{result}]" <> char
            acc <> char
      |> Enum.map(fn el -> String.trim_leading(el) end)
      |> Enum.join("\n")

    @doc """
    Helps with determining which column a chord should be inserted
    def clump_words(chord_line) when is_binary(chord_line) do
      with character_split <- String.split(chord_line, "", trim: true),
            with_index <- Enum.with_index(character_split),
            clumped <-
              Enum.reduce(with_index, %{}, fn
                {" ", _index}, acc ->

                {char, 0 = index}, acc ->
                  next_chars = get_next_char(Enum.drop(character_split, index + 1))
                  Map.put(acc, "#{index}", char <> next_chars)

                {char, index}, acc ->
                  # don't process 6 if we have 5
                  if Enum.at(character_split, index - 1) == " " do
                    next_chars = get_next_char(Enum.drop(character_split, index + 1))
                    Map.put(acc, "#{index}", char <> next_chars)
              end) do
        error ->
          error |> IO.inspect(label: "Error\n\n")

    defp get_next_char([]) do

    defp get_next_char([" " | _rest]) do

    defp get_next_char([char | rest]) do
      char <> get_next_char(rest)

  describe "call/1" do
    test "works as expected - 2 lines, easy case" do
      result =
              Bm                 G
        Some things in life are bad
                  C               Am
        They can really make you mad
        |> ChordProParser.call()

      expected = """
      Some [Bm]things in life are [G]bad
      They can [C]really make you [Am]mad
      |> String.trim()

      assert result == expected

    test "works as expected - 2 lines, easy case - eddi 1" do
      result =
        C                 G       F           C
        Más bonita que ninguna, ponía a la peña de pie
        |> ChordProParser.call()

      expected = "[C]Más bonita que nin[G]guna, po[F]nía a la peñ[C]a de pie"

      assert result == expected

    test "works as expected - 2 lines, easy case - eddi 2" do
      result =
        Cm                G       F           C
        Más bonita que ninguna, ponía a la peña de pie
        |> ChordProParser.call()

      expected = "[Cm]Más bonita que nin[G]guna, po[F]nía a la peñ[C]a de pie"

      assert result == expected

    test "works as expected - example in https://www.chordpro.org/" do
      input = """
            Bm                 G
      Some things in life are bad
                C               Am
      They can really make you mad
            Dm                   G         C
      Other things just make you swear and curse
                    Dm                G
      When you are chewing on life's gristle
            C              Am
      Don't grumble give a whistle
          D7                                        G7
      And this'll will make things turn out for the best

      result = ChordProParser.call(input)

      expected = """
      Some [Bm]things in life are [G]bad
      They can [C]really make you [Am]mad
      Other [Dm]things just make you [G]swear and [C]curse
      When you are [Dm]chewing on life's [G]gristle
      Don't [C]grumble give a [Am]whistle
      And [D7]this'll will make things turn out for the [G7]best
      |> String.trim()

      assert result == expected

    test "works as expected - eddy example" do
      input = """
      C                 G       F           C
      Más bonita que ninguna, ponía a la peña de pie
      G                     Am    F          G
      Con más noches que la luna, estaba todo bien
      C           G       F C
      Probaste fortuna en 1996
      G                   Am     F                      G
      De Málaga hasta La Coruña, durmiendo en la estación de tren

      result = ChordProParser.call(input)

      expected = """
      [C]Más bonita que nin[G]guna, po[F]nía a la peñ[C]a de pie
      [G]Con más noches que la [Am]luna, [F]estaba todo[G] bien
      [C]Probaste for[G]tuna en [F]19[C]96
      [G]De Málaga hasta La C[Am]oruña, [F]durmiendo en la estació[G]n de tren
      |> String.trim()

      assert result == expected

  describe "clump_words/1" do
    test "can clump chord lines" do
      assert %{"24" => "G", "5" => "Bm"} = ChordProParser.clump_words("     Bm                 G")

      assert %{"25" => "G", "5" => "Bm7"} =
                ChordProParser.clump_words("     Bm7                 G")

      assert %{"19" => "Am", "3" => "C"} = ChordProParser.clump_words("   C               Am")

      assert %{"12" => "in", "15" => "life", "20" => "are", "24" => "bad", "5" => "things"} =
                ChordProParser.clump_words("Some things in life are bad")


None really :), just a fun exercise. I added the code to a gist -> https://gist.github.com/pdgonzalez872/fca8876a3a59bea78a30b173dbaaee95


Thanks for reading, PDG
